A Hand On Artificial Grass

Garden Renovation: What To Expect From Your Landscapers

The greatest landscapers take pride in creating the perfect outdoor space for their clients.

A garden is like a sanctuary within your property and finding the right contractor to create it is vital. As a result, we’ve created a comprehensive guide on hiring landscapers, so you can be sure of what to expect from start to finish.

Household Access & Landscape Design

The first consideration to address is your design. It’s up to you if you want a comprehensive drawing from a landscape architect or just a rough outline agreed upon with your contractor. Once this has been confirmed, your landscapers will then look at access.

garden paving with grass

It’s important to bear in mind that access can affect the design, too. For example, if there’s a large amount of soil to be removed or groundwork to be done, then you’ll need to be able to fit a small excavator into your outdoor space.

If this is unachievable, it may be worth changing your design to something more suitable. Otherwise you’ll be looking at a much larger cost for the considerable amount of labour needed to replace heavy machinery.

stone pavement and landscaping

Hard Landscaping & Construction

Once access is decided, work will commence on the hard landscaping phase of your job. This mostly involves the construction of all structures. The formwork will be assembled and concrete will be laid. Features such as walls, fences, decking and even irrigation will be installed too, depending on your design.

You should expect this to be the loudest, messiest, and most technical phase of renovation. However, the inconvenience is worth it, as this will culminate into a long-lasting, unique and beautiful garden sanctuary to be enjoyed for decades.

Soft Landscaping

If you had a landscape architect draw your perfect garden design, then this will already be decided for you. However, if not, this is when you decide on your plants and the finishing touches. Perennials, annual flowers and maybe even vegetables are among the many choices you can make to add colour and texture to your new garden.

Soft landscaping

It’s important to anticipate this stage and expect to make decisions promptly for your landscapers on what you want and where. This way they can finish efficiently, within the discussed timeframe.

Mowing the grass

Finishing Touches & A Landscapers Guarantee

At this stage in the development of your garden, you’ll be starting to see it take shape. All that’s left are the finishing touches, perhaps some paint, a bit of irrigation and some LED lights might be all that’s left before your landscapers clean up and leave you to enjoy your new paradise.

We also recommend checking if the business you hire provides written insurance for everything installed. This way, you can be confident in the work carried out, and its longevity.

Choose Willow Tree Landscapes For Reliable Landscapers

At Willow Tree Landscapes we go above and beyond to create the perfect outdoor spaces. We’ve got over 10 years of experience and supply all materials and trades to provide only the best service possible. Get in touch with us today for a free quote and more information.

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